Duties of the press secretary:
- Provide regular, complete and timely information on the activities of the Ombudsman through the media, social networks, official websites of state bodies and organizations, as well as other information resources, including through the organization of press conferences, briefings, mediation;
- development and implementation of measures for information support and coverage of the process of socio-political and socio-economic development of the country;
- Formation and promotion of a positive image of the Ombudsman institution, conducting public opinion polls and studying public opinion in other forms;
- establishing effective practical cooperation with the Agency of Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the implementation of the tasks assigned to it in the field of information policy;
- Formation of a group of experts for effective interaction with the media, timely dissemination of information among journalists and bloggers working with information services, as well as to ensure public participation in the discussion of draft regulations;
- organization of regular speeches of the heads of state bodies and organizations in the media;
- monitoring and analysis of the information space, prompt response to critical and widely discussed information attacks, organization of work to disseminate information about the activities of the relevant state bodies and organizations in the media and on the Internet;
- preparation of reports, information, comments and other information and analytical materials for distribution through local and foreign media in conjunction with government agencies and organizations;
- Study public opinion on the activities of the Ombudsman, the position of national and foreign media, develop relevant proposals and inform the leadership of state bodies and organizations about them;
- providing, through Authorized ministries and departments, diplomatic missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad, as well as diplomatic missions of foreign countries in Uzbekistan, with information materials (printed materials, photo, audio, video materials, etc.) in order to provide high-quality coverage of the activities of state bodies and organizations in foreign media